Cities & Towns
Here we move from individual buildings to the broader landscape of our cities and towns - each with their own unique feel, creativity and vibrancy. These are the places where people and buildings interact to create a space where life, love, work and play intersect.
My home town! its jewel of course is the harbour, the Bridge & Opera House - who can beat these. But this city contains so much more life and vibrancy than just these iconic treasures. It is truly a mix of the old and new.
Of all the cities in Australia this is the one that’s grown on me over the years. Oddly enough it seems older than Sydney somehow. Perhaps this is because of the space created around its iconic buildings and their sheer number. Perhaps its because of the intimate coffee shops and laneway culture.
San Francisco
I spent time here on my travels in the US & Canada. It has a unique beauty, a mix of scenic landscape and close quartered living.
Other USA Cities
This is a collection of places that I visited in the US & Canada that paint a picture of the variety of cities that I experienced.
New York
Ahh…the city that never sleeps - that would be true!
Australia’s capital - lived here for six years and enjoyed the experience. Certainly more than meets the eye - especially for photography!